Hope is a Congregation of Christian believers. We love to share the message of Jesus to others of all ages.
Hope was formed in 1985 as a daughter congregation to First Ev. Lutheran Church in Prescott. In 2021 we merged with Hope Prescott (formerly First Evangelical Lutheran) with the mission to spread the Word to the people of Prescott, Chino Valley, and beyond. Our mission echoes the words of the Great Commission first spoken to Jesus' disciples at his Ascension (Matthew 28).
We have an eclectic group of Christians that gather on Sundays for Worship and Bible Study. On any given Sunday, you are likely to see worshipers ranging from babies to World War 2 Veterans. We have people who come in shorts and t-shirts and others that wear suits and dresses. We have people who come from various parts of the world and different walks of life. But one thing is always true for us: We all have a need for a Savior. No one who comes to Hope is perfect, except through the sacrifice of Jesus. As we struggle to live our lives for him, we support one another, and share the messages of the Bible to all that we can. The best part is, with this kind of structure we always have room for more!
Connecting you to God's word, God's people, and God's work.
At Hope Lutheran Church we believe, teach, and confess that salvation is ours by the grace of God, which is his undeserved mercy, through faith in Jesus Christ, as taught in the Word of God. We hold to the Bible as the completely true and inspired Word of God, the only source and authority for Christian faith and life.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This is the sum of our faith. On the basis of this and many other passages in Scripture, we believe, teach and confess that:
There is one God, who has revealed himself as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mankind and this world are God’s creation.
All people, because the first man and woman disobeyed God, are conceived and born in sin and throughout their lives commit sin in thought and word and deed. As a result all people are naturally under God’s condemnation, deserving of his anger and eternal punishment.
God sent his own Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to be the Savior of all people. He satisfied God’s justice by living a perfect life in our place and he suffered the consequences of the world’s sin by his crucifixion and death. He thereby paid for the sins of the world.
God raised Jesus from the dead, giving us the certainty of our salvation.
By faith in Jesus as our Savior, we have the forgiveness of all our sins and the sure hope of eternal life. -
At death, our soul goes to be with God in heaven.
At the end of the world Jesus will come back to judge the living and the dead, taking all who are God’s own by faith in Jesus to live with him forever.
Hope Lutheran Church has joined with other believers who believe, teach and confess together with us to form the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). You can learn more here about our basic beliefs.
Worship at Hope is focused on God and his love for us in Jesus. The fact that Jesus has made us right with God has wonderful real-life applications. You'll find these in relevant sermons based on God's inspired and inerrant Word and in beautiful music and song. By the power of the Holy Spirit through the Word in worship, his people are equipped and strengthened to live a Christian life and carry out Jesus' command to share the gospel with others.